Thursday, November 27, 2014

About me

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Onion, who would have thought.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Drinking water

Woman Drinks 3 Liters Of Water Every Day, And The Final Results Were Shocking!

Sufficient daily water intake is vital for virtually every function within our bodies yet fewer than one in five of us drinks enough. Read on to see the results of this experiment.

Sarah Smith is a 42 year old mother of two young kids in the UK. She, like many others, openly admitted to not drinking the recommended 2 to 3 liters of water daily. She suffered from poor and sluggish indigestion and regular headaches. Following consultations with medical professionals for both issues she decided to take heed of the advice given – in both cases she had been told that she needed to up her intake of water.
She decided to document and photograph what happened in a self imposed experiment whereby she would drink 3 liters, just over 5 pints, of water per day, every day for an entire month and see if she could feel any benefits.
At the outset Sarah took a long hard look at her face noting that “I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any lustre. It looks dead….even my lips look shrivelled.”
She spread the water out during the day aiming to drink a big jug of water in the morning, another in the afternoon with a third in the evening.

At the end of the first week she had already noticed that her bowel function was improved and her urine was virtually clear as the water was flushing out her previously dehydrated poorly functioning kidneys. She noticed sudden skin breakouts, which were a result of the toxins being eliminated from throughout her body. However her headaches were already gone and her previous joint stiffness first thing in the morning was vastly improved. Water is vital for lubricating the joints.

Week two saw an improvement in her skin tone and general complexion although she noted that her eyes were still wrinkled but said “they look less crepey and shadowy than before”. She also had a visibly flatter stomach and her smart husband paid her the ultimate compliment by noting that her cellulite had vanished! Significantly she had another week headache free.

On to week three when Sarah was happy to find that her eye wrinkles and dark circles had all but disappeared and her skin was plumper and healthier looking. She noted that she was actually eating less by this stage as she had fallen into the common trap of reading signals from her stomach as being hunger pangs whereas they were actually thirst pangs. Research has shown that 37 per cent of people actually mistake thirst signals for hunger signals. The plentiful water had now stopped her from continually falling into that unhealthy trap.

So what about the end of week four? Sarah said“I genuinely can’t believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable.” She was leaner, fitter and nobody can deny the astonishing change to her appearance. She changed nothing else in her daily routine apart from the water intake.

To those already of you already converted to drinking enough water these results will merely confirm what you already know, but to anyone who is guilty of not doing so, will this persuade you to try this for yourself ?

If you found this article useful, share it with family and friends.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Waxed Noodles good or bad?

See more about what SYNERGY can do for you
LNS Synergy Team website            Argi9Solutions

SNOPES Take on what the wax would do.

Origins:   This e-mail caution against a non-existent lurking threat made its Internet debut in early October 2000, Instant noodlesbut the belief that eating instant noodles causes a waxy internal buildup is actually older, as readers who heard similar rumors a couple of decades ago have confirmed. 

The e-mailed item's claim that "the noodles are coated with wax" is false. We examined two brands of ramen (Sapporo Ichiban and Nissin's Choice) and found no evidence of wax, either in the product itself or in the ingredients list. Our lack of wax discovery in this area mirrors the 1997 results of the New York Daily News, who examined every component of a Nissin Cup Noodles with Shrimp and also found no wax. Moreover, an inquiry to Nissin Foods' consumer affairs department on this subject produced the following response:
The norms of having wax coating on our instant ramen is a false statement, at least towards Nissin Foods' products. Hereby, I can reassure you we do not have wax coating towards our noodle blocks. FYI, our founder Momofuku Ando founded instant ramen when he was 48, and he lived till 96 by eating ramen on a daily basis.
Nor are the containers that instant noodles are typically sold in coated with was. Styrofoam does an excellent job all on its own in keeping a hot liquid hot, and the thicker "heat 'n' serve" containers made from styrofoam stand up very well to microwave heating. There'd be no need to use a wax lining in such a container, because any use it could possibly serve is already well handled by the styrofoam. 

As well, coating with wax the interior of a styrofoam container one knows will be used to heat a product would be rather pointless, because heat will melt wax, thus incorporating what was supposed to be part of the package into the foodstuff. Manufacturers of instant foods have a hard enough time convincing folks that their stuff tastes good enough to eat without introducing melted wax into the equation. 

Even if wax were used with the noodles or in the styrofoam containers, and even if some of it did get into the food, it wouldn't adversely affect the average person. (It might possibly cause a problem for infants or those with damaged or impaired digestive systems, but not ordinary, healthy adults.) Though it's not generally 

Beware of paper cups
 known, a number of candies routinely contain wax products. (Rowntree's "Smarties" and Just Born's "Peeps" immediately come to mind: carnauba wax is used in these products, as it is in candy corn.) In some confections, the wax is more upfront, as countless children who've indulged in wax lips and wax "soda" bottles will happily attest. To the best of our knowledge, none of the indulgers in these products have had to have the wax scraped out of their stomachs or developed cancer as a result (including my husband, who in the Halloweens of his childhood happily ate several pieces of wax lips a day). 

This badly-constructed scare would have us believe someone's unnamed nephew in the United Kingdom died from a buildup of wax in his stomach. Wax, like just about anything else one swallows, is pushed through the digestive system and exits the body as part of a bowel movement. Nothing inherently special in wax would turn it into a permanent coating clinging forever to the stomach lining. 

In October 2010 we spotted a similar e-mail about the supposed danger of using wax-lined paper cups for hot liquids:

Varun, an IT professional working in Technopark, was finding himself with an upset stomach every night. While normal medical checks revealed nothing wrong in him, deeper probes revealed the reason - his stomach was collecting significant amounts of wax. And doctors identified the villain - the ordinary paper cups he used for drinking his tea at his office pantry.

Disposable paper cups have become quite popular in office pantries due to the convenience it offers. What many overlook is the fact that these paper cups are coated with a tiny layer of wax, which is essential to prevent water from seeping into the paper. When very hot liquids are poured into this cup, the wax may disintegrate and a little may come off, which will promptly be sent along with the drink into our stomachs! While our body can discard minor amounts, over the long-term, it does become a problem.

So what can be done about it? You can try to bring your own glass cups. Glass is one of the least reactive materials in the world (remember acids are stored in glass vessels, blood samples are collected in glass plates - these are for a good reason). But glass does have the problem of breaking easily, so it requires good care. Ceramic cups are probably the best bet. Of course, you can also use your ordinary stainless steel cups, but never use plastic ones - its dangers are even worse than wax.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Photo session

Enjoying the opportunity to work with
Dan Higginson
Founder & CEO of Synergy Worldwide


See more about what SYNERGY can do for you

Friday, July 11, 2014

Can Human Thoughts And Intentions Alter Physical Reality?

I thought this was pretty interesting...   (What do you think?)

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know? His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications… can anyone really afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?

The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.) Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool”. He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.


Addicted to 8 hour Tylenol

I was addicted to 8 hour Tylenol, 2 tablets in the morning 2 at night, I would alternate 800 mg of Ibuprofen the same way. I would take a Sudafed every morning year round and during the hay fever season a 24 hour allergy pill, for over 10 years. I couldn’t sleep without the pills; I couldn't breath, I would ache all over.  I was so restless and tired, I couldn’t get out of bed. My wife can attest to it. I had terrible migraines that were becoming more and more frequent and would hang on all day long.  My Doctor asked if I get nervous coming to the doctor office, I said “No, why?” He said, “Because your blood pressure is really high.”

In 2009 it was 142/94, 2010 140/90, 2011 142/94.

Just recently my blood pressure was significantly higher at 151/106 and to make sure, we checked my other arm, it was a little better at 144/102. Mind you, this was because of the pseudo-ephedrine pills I was taking.
I had been taking ProArgi9+ for a little more than 90 days and one of the greatest thing for me is that ProArgi9+ has replaced all of those pills. I have been completely off of them since. I took my blood pressure twice again, once on one arm at 134/84 and the other arm at 132/82. This was amazing to me! I know that there is still some room for improvement. Do you think I would stop taking ProArgi9+? Not on your life!  I am a firm believer in the product!

Some of the other benefits that I can identify are:
1. I found was that my sinuses have been kinder to me
2. My breathing is easier.
3. My energy level has improved.
4. I haven't had any migraines like I used to.
5. I'm refreshed and can get out of bed easily in the morning.
6. It has improved prostate/urinary functions.
7. No more cold toes and fingers.
8. For the first time I could mow my lawn without the hay fever affects.
9. I dreaded the first snowfall that came this year.  When it snows all day on my studio parking lot, I have to go out and shovel it off. I did this three times as well as my home driveway and sidewalks...     Lee Edwards told me about
ProArgi9+ “ACTIVE” and what it did for him deer hunting, and that you use it when you workout. Well, I never workout so I never used it. I just gave it away to potential clients to try.  Not today!  I mixed it with my ProArgi9+“Citrus Berry” and I went to work and started shoveling snow off my studio parking lot, three times!  The next day I tried to feel the pains of my labor and there was none! I jumped up and down twisting side to side, trying to feel any effect from shoveling. NOTHING!!  Really!  I told everyone about it! My wife couldn’t believe it either. I didn't give in that easy, the next couple of days was another snow storm. This time I tried another combination of ProArgi9+ “E9” and “Active in the morning. I worked a little harder this time at shoveling the snow with the same results! Nothing! No pain, no backache. I’m even more sold on Synergy's "Active". Ive got to try more of the products.

And I'm discovering more improvements in my health as time goes on. Again, do you think I would stop taking ProArgi9+?!  

Thank you, Scott Hancock
Web: LNS Synergy / Hancock 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Long Standing Suspicion Confirmed: SNOPES IS BOGUS

I find myself always referring to Snopes for support, but...

Follow the money

FOLLOW THE MONEY with regards to why pharmaceutical ALTERNATIVES are NOT more widespread in the USA. The Mass Media's STRANGLEHOLD on the "Sheeple" still being FED pablum is SIGNIFICANT BUT, the Media's GRIP is beginning to wane as word leaks out to the AGING Baby Boomers seeking for more effective HEALTHY PREVENTATIVE Solutions... I have my own Personal RESULTS PROVEN Testimonials as PROOF to me of THE UNEXAGERATED BENEFITS of Alkaline Ionized Water that the BOGUS snopes is striving to DIScredit... How about in two weeks DROPPING my last 12 Pounds that previously had stayed on regardless but when injesting this type of water FELL OFF SO FAST I wondered IF IT would stop before I became skin and bones BUT the Nature of this Water FINDS Your Perfect Weight Level THEN Levels off and maintains it. Also my MALE Pattern Bald spot which was smooth skin ABSOLUTELY NO HAIR at ALL for TWENTY years grew a 1/16 inch "peach fuzz" across the entire surface by the third week of doing NOTHING different other than Drinking this TYPE of water... Want to Know MORE of the Graphic yet INFORMATIVE DETAILS that SHOULD convince ANYONE and EVERYONE with a lick of REASONING Ability? Then watch this 5 minute video Dr. Hiromi Shinya -- Colon therapy Alkaline Water

David Lone

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sunlight creates NO (Nitric Oxide) and lowers blood pressure.

Published on January 17, 2014 at 7:21 AM · No Comments
Research carried out at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh shows that sunlight alters levels of the small messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO) in the skin and blood, reducing blood pressure.
Martin Feelisch, Professor of Experimental Medicine and Integrative Biology at the University of Southampton, comments: "NO along with its breakdown products, known to be abundant in skin, is involved in the regulation of blood pressure. When exposed to sunlight, small amounts of NO are transferred from the skin to the circulation, lowering blood vessel tone; as blood pressure drops, so does the risk of heart attack and stroke."
While limiting sunlight exposure is important to prevent skin cancer, the authors of the study, including Dr Richard Weller of the University of Edinburgh, suggest that minimising exposure may be disadvantageous by increasing the risk of prevalent conditions related to cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease, often associated with high blood pressure, accounts for 30 per cent of deaths globally each year. Blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are known to vary according to season and latitude, with higher levels observed in winter and in countries further from the equator, where ultraviolet radiation from the sun is lower.
During the study, the skin of 24 healthy individuals was exposed to ultraviolet (UVA) light from tanning lamps for two sessions of 20 minutes each. In one session, the volunteers were exposed to both the UVA rays and the heat of the lamps. In another, the UV rays were blocked so that only the heat of the lamps affected the skin.
The results suggest that UVA exposure dilates blood vessels, significantly lowers blood pressure, and alters NO metabolite levels in the circulation, without changing vitamin D levels. Further experiments indicate that pre-formed stores of NO in the upper skin layers are involved in mediating these effects. The data are consistent with the seasonal variation of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk at temperate latitudes.
Professor Feelisch adds: "These results are significant to the ongoing debate about potential health benefits of sunlight and the role of Vitamin D in this process. It may be an opportune time to reassess the risks and benefits of sunlight for human health and to take a fresh look at current public health advice. Avoiding excess sunlight exposure is critical to prevent skin cancer, but not being exposed to it at all, out of fear or as a result of a certain lifestyle, could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Perhaps with the exception of bone health, the effects of oral vitamin D supplementation have been disappointing.
"We believe that NO from the skin is an important, so far overlooked contributor to cardiovascular health. In future studies we intend to test whether the effects hold true in a more chronic setting and identify new nutritional strategies targeted at maximizing the skin's ability to store NO and deliver it to the circulation more efficiently."
SOURCE University of Southampton

Low Vitamin D is directly linked with low glucose, fasting insulin and more.

Medscape Medical News

Vitamin D Cut Point Linked to Normal Glucose Metabolism

Marlene Busko

April 21, 2014
"Vitamin D was inversely related to fasting glucose, fasting insulin, 2-hour insulin, insulin resistance, visceral abdominal fat, percentage fat, PTH, and triglycerides."
"... the cut point for sufficient vitamin D is the same for black and white women."
"Dr. Peterson agrees with the authors that "the Institute of Medicine values [for vitamin-D sufficiency or insufficiency] are probably myopic. They really honed in on bone health without looking beyond bone-health measure outcomes."

A 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D) level of about 26 ng/mL is needed for normal glucose metabolism in both black and white obese, postmenopausal women, a new observational study suggests. Women with a blood vitamin-D concentration at or above this threshold had lower body fat and blood glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels than women with lower levels of vitamin D.

The cutoff is below the minimal vitamin-D level recommended by the Endocrine Society (30 ng/mL) but above that recommended by the Institute of Medicine (20 ng/mL); however, both guidelines are based on studies of bone health. The current study implies that "if you want to think about defining cut points for vitamin D, you need to think about things other than bone," lead author John D. Sorkin, MD, from the University of Maryland, in Baltimore, told Medscape Medical News.

"Our results...suggest that the [Institute of Medicine recommendation] of 20 ng/mL is probably too low." Importantly, the data also indicate that the cut point for sufficient vitamin D is the same for black and white women, he said.

However, this was a retrospective, observational study with inherent limitations. "A large, prospective interventional study in black and white women will be needed to confirm that increasing 25(OH)D concentration above [around 26 ng/mL] improves glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity with little improvement above this value," Sorkin and colleagues caution. They also call for further research to determine whether their findings hold true for other racial and ethnic groups, men, and younger, older, or nonobese individuals.

The study is published in the May 2014 issue of the Journal of Nutrition.

Vitamin D Beyond Bone

The definition of normal vitamin-D levels remains controversial, and guidelines largely base their recommendations on studies of bone metabolism, the researchers explain. However, low levels of vitamin D have been recently linked with glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease.

The researchers aimed to study the effect of vitamin D on glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and other cardiovascular risk factors. The study population included obese individuals and blacks, who are more likely to have a vitamin-D deficiency, Dr. Sorkin explained.

They performed a cross-sectional study of 83 black and 156 white overweight or obese, sedentary, postmenopausal women without diabetes who had participated in studies at their center between June 1995 and July 2009 and had a fasting blood glucose and 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Other assessments included insulin resistance, insulinlike growth factor 1, parathyroid hormone (PTH), aerobic fitness, body composition (using dual X-ray absorptiometry), subcutaneous abdominal and visceral fat, and blood pressure.

Vitamin D was inversely related to fasting glucose, fasting insulin, 2-hour insulin, insulin resistance, visceral abdominal fat, percentage fat, PTH, and triglycerides. There was no relationship between vitamin D and blood pressure, lipids (other than triglycerides), or fitness.

Adds to Evidence, Has Some Limitations

Asked to comment, Catherine A. Peterson, PhD, from the University of Missouri in Columbia, said that "this is another little piece of evidence suggesting that vitamin-D status does matter in terms of glucose control." She previously published results from a randomized controlled trial that showed correcting vitamin-D insufficiency improved insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents.

The article has several limitations, she noted. It uses inconsistent measures for vitamin D (as opposed to just using to the standard unit, ng/mL) and describes how vitamin-D levels "cause outcomes," which cannot be established, because it was an observational study. Although Sorkin and colleagues explain that frozen samples of vitamin D have been shown to be stable for 6 to 24 years, there still might be some degradation of the 4- to 18-year-old samples in the current study, which could preclude being able to establish a precise vitamin-D threshold.

However, Dr. Peterson agrees with the authors that "the Institute of Medicine values [for vitamin-D sufficiency or insufficiency] are probably myopic. They really honed in on bone health without looking beyond bone-health measure outcomes."

The study was supported by the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center and grants from the National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and National Institutes of Health. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

J Nutr. 2014;144. Full text

Friday, April 18, 2014

Synergy CSO Announces Plans for Labs, Clinics and Trials

Last night, Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer of Synergy/NSP, spoke to a large number of listeners on this month's Cardio Call. Dr. Tripp had some important and fascinating things to say about our company's research and development plans and our mission to reverse chronic disease. Here are a few of the highlights:
"After meeting with the top management of the [Synergy/NSP], what I recognized was that their vision and my passion are very well aligned. My passion is to make a difference in the world. You might call it a personal mission, if you will. It’s not religion based, it’s just seeing a great level of chronic illness in the world and asking ‘how can I make a difference’ and ‘how can we work together.’ That’s what impressed me about the folks at Synergy and Nature’s Sunshine. They cared very much. They wanted to leverage what they had to do bigger, better things."
"We are building a molecular and cellular biology lab for discovery, a chemistry lab and a clinic. We’ll be running human clinical trials on our discoveries and also on many of our fine products to demonstrate their clinical efficacy. We’ll have state-of-the-art instrumentation. We’ll be developing our own intellectual property. It’s a full blown discovery and development project."

Click to listen to the full Cardio Call with Dr. Tripp.


Our goal: is saving one heart at a time. by following Dan Hammer's findings and sharing with others who would benefit.
Call me (Scott Hancock) for more information. 
Mobile: 1-801-830-8316

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

And that is why... I succeed."

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why... I succeed."
Michael Jordan

Diet drinks linked with heart disease, death

Women who drink the most diet sodas may also be more likely to develop heart disease and even to die, according to a new study published Saturday. Continue reading....

Promote a healthy heart.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Best Doctors Are...

Find out what seventh doctor, ProArgi-9+ can do for you to improve your cardiovascular system. With a 120 day money back guarantee, seriously how can you lose.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Distributor Advisory Board

I was fortunate to be signed by Steve and Roxanne Seely - Pearl Executives, they still are out there working as hard as those they have signed up under them, and they would drop anything to personally help you along the way. They are members of the...


Distributor Advisory Board

Synergy’s Advisory Board is comprised of some of our top leaders who contribute to the overall strategic direction of the North America market

Mark Comer - Double Presidential Executive

Mark ComerPrior to joining Synergy, Mark founded several companies in multiple industries, and became a millionaire in five different business sectors. He has been involved in the creation of multiple entrepreneurial initiatives and venture-capitalized startups located on every continent. Mark has ridden motorcycles, surfed or played rock and roll on nearly every continent, as well. In 2008, Mark established 5 Star Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization whose charter is to eradicate the cycle of poverty. Mark recently authored and published the book "Discoveries of an Accidental Guru: 100 Lessons of Business and Personal Success" which explores key lessons he learned throughout his life and applies these lessons to business success.

Dianne and Lorin Leavitt - Double Presidential Executives

Dianne and Lorin LeavittDianne Leavitt is one of Synergy's original superstars and top earners. This mother of four boys loves the freedom Synergy gives her to be a mom first and to have the time to be there for her children. Her hard work and persistence took her previously to the top of another network marketing company. Once she discovered Synergy, she put all her heart and passion into the products and business and she and her husband, Lorin, have built one of the largest organizations in the company.  Diane uses her success to motivate and empower women throughout the world to fulfill their own dreams and to create the life they've always wanted, just as she has.

Paul Blad - Presidential Executive

Paul BladSeattle resident, Paul Blad, has been with Synergy for almost ten years, making him a seasoned veteran with the company. Experience has taught him the value of Synergy, especially as it equates to time spent with his family. He applies his experience and leadership skills everyday as he continues to build a strong and growing team. Paul and his Synergy business partner, Rudy Pedroza, are recipients of the Dan Higginson Humanitarian Award (formally the Gene Hughes Humanitarian Award) and many other awards and recognitions.

Rudy Pedroza - Presidential Executive

Rudy PedrozaRudy has been with Synergy nearly since the beginning and he has developed into an inspiring leader for his team. People are drawn to his sincerity and fun-loving nature and they join his team because they know the Rudy and Paul business partnership will give the organization the support it needs. Rudy and Paul are the recipients of the Dan Higginson Humanitarian Award (formally the Gene Hughes Humanitarian Award) and many other awards and recognitions.

Dane Iorg - Presidential Executive

Dane Iorg - Presidential ExecutiveDane joined Synergy after concluding a 10-year career as a Major League baseball player with the St. Louis Cardinals and the Kansas City Royals; he won a World Series Championship with each team. After retiring, Dane fell out of the pro-athlete routine and found himself in need of regaining his energy. He began taking Synergy products and never turned back. He has lost weight, improved his health and found financial success with Synergy.

Steve and Roxanne Seely - Pearl Executives

Steve and Roxanne SeelyThis husband/wife duo has a rags-to-riches success story that has blossomed into a long-term victory. They are revered for their amazing recruiting abilities and for their genuine concern for others. They love being Synergy Team Members almost as much as they love being parents and grandparents.

Eric Glenn - Pearl Executive

Eric GlennEric Glenn came to Synergy in July of 2008 after leaving a top position with another MLM. He chose Synergy because it had all the critical elements that he recognized as important to securing success. For the past 15 years, Eric has built up multimillion dollar businesses and shared his knowledge of network marketing, real estate, and the stock market through public speaking engagements. Eric has been a guest on numerous financial television and radio talk shows where he teaches strategies on making money.

Marty and Heather Holker - Pearl Executive

Marty and Heather HolkerMarty and Heather Holker were determined to find a network marketing company where they could truly connect and take flight. An intense investigation led them to Synergy, the one opportunity that met all their criteria for success. They clearly made the right choice, achieving Pearl Executive in less than a year and establishing one of Synergy's fastest-growing organizations. Marty is an experienced networker who's built successful groups at several of the top companies in the industry, and Heather is a fitness instructor and former fitness model who is very particular about health products and understands the superiority of ProArgi-9 Plus.

Bart Woodcook - Pearl Executive

Bart WoodcookBart began his legacy at Synergy WorldWide in November of 2003. Since that time, he has built a highly respected, rapidly growing team that spans the entire globe. As a seasoned veteran in the network marketing industry, Bart's expertise, knowledge, and insight have afforded him the unique tools that have paved his current road to success. This expertise, along with his sense of humor and contagious appreciation for life, have greatly added to the wise direction provided by our dynamic advisory board.

Brian Holt - Team Elite

Brian HoltBrian Holt was introduced to Synergy several years ago, but because of other business involvements, it took him a few years to understand the true potential of his Synergy business. Once he grasped the vision of Synergy and ProArgi-9 Plus, he knew he had a responsibility to share them with others. Brian is known for always making himself available to his team and for leading by example - he encourages others to understand the business and engage. His personal success comes from establishing an abundance mindset: abundance in life-enhancing products, abundance in the joy of helping people and having fun while making money, and abundance of gratitude.

Business Opportunity

A business opportunity is only as good as the compensation plan that drives it. It's a fact: A company with a solid foundation and high-quality products can only succeed by delivering a long-term business opportunity that's lucrative, aggressive, and rewarding.  continue reading...

Product Quality Is Next To None...

I can't express this any better than Synergy can, please read and see the video.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Personal experience by Steve Seely

This is a text sent to me from Steve Seely, and with his permission I would like to share about his recent medical experience and what faithful use of ProArgi-9+ has done for him. This amazing.
Hi everyone, 

We want to share the events of our past weekend. 

 Our fearless leader Steve went into instacare Sunday morning to get a prescription for ongoing heartburn for the Tour of the Tiger Tour. It was suggested that he have an EKG to rule out anything else and the Dr informed him he needed to go right to the ER. He left and picked Roxanne up at home and went directly to the hospital where we joked with the people working there about why we were there. After several hours they decided that they would admit him and run tests. First off, Steve was in superb health and all the tests they ran looked like whatever it was he would be in and out in a night but after doing an angiogram, the Doctor was very surprised to find that Steve had one completely blocked artery and a narrowing of another artery. Now, before you get unnerved, please continue reading, there is an amazing addition to the story. The Doctor allowed Roxanne to look at the DVD of the angiogram and she was 
shown the totally blocked artery had developed little veins coming out above the blockage and connecting to the opposite side of the blockage. The Dr looked at it and said that, that may very well be because of the l-arginine that he had been taking. Please understand, all the tests made it seem that there was very little to worry about. Steve’s heart is like a superhero, it has continued doing its job regardless of the circumstances and kept him humming along. One of the tests that they did on him was blood work that tells them the amount of Troponin in his blood. Troponin indicates cardiac muscle cell death, Steve’s level was .550. The Dr explained that if you have a massive heart attack, your Troponin level would be 100, a minor one and you would have a 25, Steve’s was .550 so because of that we are calling this a heart strain, when this could have been a life altering event for Steve. 

Why do you think that was? PROARGI9+, that is why. His heart has been able to keep doing its job even when Diabetes tries to subvert it, because he has been committed to keeping his body fed with the nutrients that are needed to keep it strong. Even as he is sitting waiting for the surgeon to arrive he has his ProArgi9+ at his side. We view this as a little hiccup in our journey to not only good health but greater wealth. We know this testimonial will only strengthen our belief in our wonderful product. 

Now, for a request, we are requesting your faith and prayers in Steve’s behalf as he is undergoing surgery tomorrow morning to bypass the weak points and help him on his way to a full recovery. We will keep everyone posted as to his successful recovery. We love you all and appreciate your support for us during another part of our journey.


Steve and Roxanne

Steve's X-Ray

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reasons to use L-arginine Supplement.

·       Nitric oxide is one of the most powerful naturally occurring antioxidants in the body.  It’s antioxidant properties are beneficial for various body systems and may provide protection against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing the aging process.
·       It provides many benefits for cardiovascular system including increasing production of nitric oxide by the endothelium.  This helps keep your arteries more elastic, which in turns aids with blood flow and lowering blood pressure.  It also helps to relieve angina.
·       It may improve memory, especially long-term memory, and may help to reverse the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
·       It has been shown to improve prostate function.
·       It may help boost human growth hormones (HGH) productions to normal levels.  This provides anti-aging benefits, promotes lean muscle mass, and preserves bone density, which also leads to fatty tissue reduction.  It may be a useful component weight management, strength training, and athletic performance due to its effects on HGH levels, and the positive effects on the lungs.
·       It helps maintain cholesterol levels.
·       It may improve male sexual performance by treating vascular erectile dysfunction (ED).
·       It has anticoagulant abilities that may reduce clotting, which lowers heart attack and stroke risk.
·       It may be useful for treating asthma by opening pulmonary pathways to making breathing easier and treating lung disorder.
·       It may help counteract cardiovascular and lung damage caused by tobacco use, because nitric oxide levels in smokers are less than half of those found in non-smokers.
·       It helps speed up wound healing and recovery following surgery.  Research has shown it is helpful in treating burn wounds and stimulates wound healing in the elderly.
·       It has been used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and to reduce the occurrence of ulcers, especially those caused by stress, without affecting gastric acid production.
·        It may improve renal function and slow the progression of renal disease and age-related chronic renal failure.


Our goal: is saving one heart at a time.
Call me (Scott Hancock) for more information. 
Mobile: 1-801-830-8316
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Aspirin vs Nitric Oxide

Published on Jun 22, 2012
Aspirin vs Nitric Oxide for the Prevention of Blood Clots! Dan Hammer talks about the new medical controversy about the use of aspirin for the prevention of blood clots. And, how your body produces a gas in the blood steam called nitric oxide that naturally prevents blood clots but without the side effects associated with aspirin. The goal of this video is to help answer the question -- Which is Better Aspirin or Nitric Oxide for the Prevention of Blood Clots? -Dan Hammer


Our goal: is saving one heart at a time. by following Dan Hammer's findings and sharing with others who would benefit.
Call me (Scott Hancock) for more information. 
Mobile: 1-801-830-8316

About me and why I use ProArgi-9+

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Are Synergy Products "Organic"?

When it comes to nutritional supplements, you deserve superior quality. One of the most frequent questions asked through Ask an Expert and on our manufacturing tours is whether or not Synergy products are "organic"?

As many of you likely know, the term "organic" refers to a growing method of plants that does not utilize any synthetic chemicals. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing processes ensures that our herbs and all raw materials meet organic standards. Because of our strict internal testing, we do not pursue third party organic certification for any of our finished products. The organic certification process is primarily for marketing purposes.

Synergy is committed to having the best supplements. When applicable, we purchase organic-certified ingredients. However, several ingredients are not candidates for organic certification. Plants that are wild-crafted are not grown on farms, and hence cannot be certified organic. We obtain several herbs from outside of the U.S., and very few countries outside the U.S. have any kind of standard for organic certification. We only partner with suppliers that meet our strict quality standards. We inspect our suppliers' facilities to be sure they are meeting our standards. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing processes ensures that our herbs meet organic standards.

When you purchase Synergy WorldWide products, you can be guaranteed the product contains no residues from fertilizers, pesticides or other types of contamination.

Remember that organic certification from an independent organization does not necessarily mean high quality. Organic items can still be contaminated through contaminated water sources unknown to the growers. The real proof is in the testing, which Synergy conducts according to the strictest quality assurance practices in the industry.

You can be assured that we provide the highest quality products with the highest purity standards.


Our goal: is saving one heart at a time by using the high quality products from Synergy.
Call me (Scott Hancock) for more information. 
Mobile: 1-801-830-8316

Physicians Desk Reference


Our goal: is saving one heart at a time, with the highest quality l-arginine supplement in the world, ProArgi-9+.

Call me (Scott Hancock) for more information.
Mobile: 1-801-830-8316
Web: LNS Synergy / Hancock