Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Waxed Noodles good or bad?

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SNOPES Take on what the wax would do.

Origins:   This e-mail caution against a non-existent lurking threat made its Internet debut in early October 2000, Instant noodlesbut the belief that eating instant noodles causes a waxy internal buildup is actually older, as readers who heard similar rumors a couple of decades ago have confirmed. 

The e-mailed item's claim that "the noodles are coated with wax" is false. We examined two brands of ramen (Sapporo Ichiban and Nissin's Choice) and found no evidence of wax, either in the product itself or in the ingredients list. Our lack of wax discovery in this area mirrors the 1997 results of the New York Daily News, who examined every component of a Nissin Cup Noodles with Shrimp and also found no wax. Moreover, an inquiry to Nissin Foods' consumer affairs department on this subject produced the following response:
The norms of having wax coating on our instant ramen is a false statement, at least towards Nissin Foods' products. Hereby, I can reassure you we do not have wax coating towards our noodle blocks. FYI, our founder Momofuku Ando founded instant ramen when he was 48, and he lived till 96 by eating ramen on a daily basis.
Nor are the containers that instant noodles are typically sold in coated with was. Styrofoam does an excellent job all on its own in keeping a hot liquid hot, and the thicker "heat 'n' serve" containers made from styrofoam stand up very well to microwave heating. There'd be no need to use a wax lining in such a container, because any use it could possibly serve is already well handled by the styrofoam. 

As well, coating with wax the interior of a styrofoam container one knows will be used to heat a product would be rather pointless, because heat will melt wax, thus incorporating what was supposed to be part of the package into the foodstuff. Manufacturers of instant foods have a hard enough time convincing folks that their stuff tastes good enough to eat without introducing melted wax into the equation. 

Even if wax were used with the noodles or in the styrofoam containers, and even if some of it did get into the food, it wouldn't adversely affect the average person. (It might possibly cause a problem for infants or those with damaged or impaired digestive systems, but not ordinary, healthy adults.) Though it's not generally 

Beware of paper cups
 known, a number of candies routinely contain wax products. (Rowntree's "Smarties" and Just Born's "Peeps" immediately come to mind: carnauba wax is used in these products, as it is in candy corn.) In some confections, the wax is more upfront, as countless children who've indulged in wax lips and wax "soda" bottles will happily attest. To the best of our knowledge, none of the indulgers in these products have had to have the wax scraped out of their stomachs or developed cancer as a result (including my husband, who in the Halloweens of his childhood happily ate several pieces of wax lips a day). 

This badly-constructed scare would have us believe someone's unnamed nephew in the United Kingdom died from a buildup of wax in his stomach. Wax, like just about anything else one swallows, is pushed through the digestive system and exits the body as part of a bowel movement. Nothing inherently special in wax would turn it into a permanent coating clinging forever to the stomach lining. 

In October 2010 we spotted a similar e-mail about the supposed danger of using wax-lined paper cups for hot liquids:

Varun, an IT professional working in Technopark, was finding himself with an upset stomach every night. While normal medical checks revealed nothing wrong in him, deeper probes revealed the reason - his stomach was collecting significant amounts of wax. And doctors identified the villain - the ordinary paper cups he used for drinking his tea at his office pantry.

Disposable paper cups have become quite popular in office pantries due to the convenience it offers. What many overlook is the fact that these paper cups are coated with a tiny layer of wax, which is essential to prevent water from seeping into the paper. When very hot liquids are poured into this cup, the wax may disintegrate and a little may come off, which will promptly be sent along with the drink into our stomachs! While our body can discard minor amounts, over the long-term, it does become a problem.

So what can be done about it? You can try to bring your own glass cups. Glass is one of the least reactive materials in the world (remember acids are stored in glass vessels, blood samples are collected in glass plates - these are for a good reason). But glass does have the problem of breaking easily, so it requires good care. Ceramic cups are probably the best bet. Of course, you can also use your ordinary stainless steel cups, but never use plastic ones - its dangers are even worse than wax.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Photo session

Enjoying the opportunity to work with
Dan Higginson
Founder & CEO of Synergy Worldwide


See more about what SYNERGY can do for you

Friday, July 11, 2014

Can Human Thoughts And Intentions Alter Physical Reality?

I thought this was pretty interesting...   (What do you think?)

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know? His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications… can anyone really afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?

The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.) Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool”. He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.


Addicted to 8 hour Tylenol

I was addicted to 8 hour Tylenol, 2 tablets in the morning 2 at night, I would alternate 800 mg of Ibuprofen the same way. I would take a Sudafed every morning year round and during the hay fever season a 24 hour allergy pill, for over 10 years. I couldn’t sleep without the pills; I couldn't breath, I would ache all over.  I was so restless and tired, I couldn’t get out of bed. My wife can attest to it. I had terrible migraines that were becoming more and more frequent and would hang on all day long.  My Doctor asked if I get nervous coming to the doctor office, I said “No, why?” He said, “Because your blood pressure is really high.”

In 2009 it was 142/94, 2010 140/90, 2011 142/94.

Just recently my blood pressure was significantly higher at 151/106 and to make sure, we checked my other arm, it was a little better at 144/102. Mind you, this was because of the pseudo-ephedrine pills I was taking.
I had been taking ProArgi9+ for a little more than 90 days and one of the greatest thing for me is that ProArgi9+ has replaced all of those pills. I have been completely off of them since. I took my blood pressure twice again, once on one arm at 134/84 and the other arm at 132/82. This was amazing to me! I know that there is still some room for improvement. Do you think I would stop taking ProArgi9+? Not on your life!  I am a firm believer in the product!

Some of the other benefits that I can identify are:
1. I found was that my sinuses have been kinder to me
2. My breathing is easier.
3. My energy level has improved.
4. I haven't had any migraines like I used to.
5. I'm refreshed and can get out of bed easily in the morning.
6. It has improved prostate/urinary functions.
7. No more cold toes and fingers.
8. For the first time I could mow my lawn without the hay fever affects.
9. I dreaded the first snowfall that came this year.  When it snows all day on my studio parking lot, I have to go out and shovel it off. I did this three times as well as my home driveway and sidewalks...     Lee Edwards told me about
ProArgi9+ “ACTIVE” and what it did for him deer hunting, and that you use it when you workout. Well, I never workout so I never used it. I just gave it away to potential clients to try.  Not today!  I mixed it with my ProArgi9+“Citrus Berry” and I went to work and started shoveling snow off my studio parking lot, three times!  The next day I tried to feel the pains of my labor and there was none! I jumped up and down twisting side to side, trying to feel any effect from shoveling. NOTHING!!  Really!  I told everyone about it! My wife couldn’t believe it either. I didn't give in that easy, the next couple of days was another snow storm. This time I tried another combination of ProArgi9+ “E9” and “Active in the morning. I worked a little harder this time at shoveling the snow with the same results! Nothing! No pain, no backache. I’m even more sold on Synergy's "Active". Ive got to try more of the products.

And I'm discovering more improvements in my health as time goes on. Again, do you think I would stop taking ProArgi9+?!  

Thank you, Scott Hancock
Web: LNS Synergy / Hancock 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Long Standing Suspicion Confirmed: SNOPES IS BOGUS

I find myself always referring to Snopes for support, but...

Follow the money

FOLLOW THE MONEY with regards to why pharmaceutical ALTERNATIVES are NOT more widespread in the USA. The Mass Media's STRANGLEHOLD on the "Sheeple" still being FED pablum is SIGNIFICANT BUT, the Media's GRIP is beginning to wane as word leaks out to the AGING Baby Boomers seeking for more effective HEALTHY PREVENTATIVE Solutions... I have my own Personal RESULTS PROVEN Testimonials as PROOF to me of THE UNEXAGERATED BENEFITS of Alkaline Ionized Water that the BOGUS snopes is striving to DIScredit... How about in two weeks DROPPING my last 12 Pounds that previously had stayed on regardless but when injesting this type of water FELL OFF SO FAST I wondered IF IT would stop before I became skin and bones BUT the Nature of this Water FINDS Your Perfect Weight Level THEN Levels off and maintains it. Also my MALE Pattern Bald spot which was smooth skin ABSOLUTELY NO HAIR at ALL for TWENTY years grew a 1/16 inch "peach fuzz" across the entire surface by the third week of doing NOTHING different other than Drinking this TYPE of water... Want to Know MORE of the Graphic yet INFORMATIVE DETAILS that SHOULD convince ANYONE and EVERYONE with a lick of REASONING Ability? Then watch this 5 minute video Dr. Hiromi Shinya -- Colon therapy Alkaline Water

David Lone